## Needs for cumulative effects management -- - Quantifying species' responses to multiple disturbances; -- - predicting 'habitat supply' as a function of current/past/future landscape conditions; -- - also good to have an idea about uncertainty. --- ## Intactness __Species Intactness__: - ratio of _Current_ and _Reference_ abundance within a region. -- __Guild/Taxon Intactness__: - simple average of Species Intactness values for a group of species in a taxonomic group. --- ## Attributing effects to industrial sectors - Agriculture, - forestry, - oil and gas (extraction & exploration), - urban/rural residences and infrastructure, - transportation, - misc. (e.g. hydro features). --- ## cure4insect > "As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect." > > — _The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka_ --- ## cure4insect .red[cu]stom .red[re]porting .red[for] .red[in]tactness and .red[sect]or effects -- - An R package, -- - a decision support tool, -- - an interface, -- - based on estimates and predictions created by the ABMI and collaborators. --- ## Custom = user defined -- - In the beginning there was North and South. -- - Then there was Natural Regions. -- - And LUF x Natural Subregions, -- - and Oil Sands areas, -- - and Caribou ranges, -- - and watersheds, -- - and 1 ha polygons... --- ## Us and them - Species website maintenance overhead has kept increasing - we needed a better handle on our own stuff. -- - Others rely on downloadable csv/xlsx files for spatial data which is not optimal - we need a single source of truth and a system to give users different formats. --- ## Best features -- __Keep DRY, not WET__: - write a reproducible workflows and update as needed. -- __Separation of concerns__: - we do stats and maintain a single source of truth, - you change the colors as you like. --- ## Current projects using 'c4i' - GoA: BMF indicators, planning - ABMI: internal + GoA collabs (reporting, cons. assessment) - Forestry: Al-Pac, FORSITE validation, Alces online - WildTrax: species ID checker tool --- ## You CAN'T use it for - Landscape level effects (it only has habitat + climate) - Spatial predictions with bootstrap (planned for next version)