3 Results

3.1 ABMI versus AdaptWest

The data currently used by the ABMI (1961-1990) and the 1961-1990 climate normals acquired from AdaptWest are highly correlated. In addition, we observed similar correlation patterns when comparing the 1961-1990 and 1991-2020 climate normals, regardless of their source.

Correlation plots of climate variables between data sources and years.

3.2 Example variables extracted from the AdaptWest 30-year Climate Normals

3.2.1 Mean Annual Temperature (MAT)

30-year climate normals of Mean Annual Temperature.

3.2.2 Mean Warmest Month Temperature (MWMT)

30-year climate normals of Mean Warm Month Temperature.

3.2.3 Mean Annual Precipitation (MAP)

30-year climate normals of Mean Annual Precipitation.

3.2.4 Annual Heat Moisture Index (AHM)

30-year climate normals of the Annual Heat-Moisture Index.

3.3 Daymet Annual Climate Data

Predictions of the four available climate variables arcoss North America (2019).