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This function filters the species provided in WildTrax reports to only the groups of interest. The groups available for filtering are mammal, bird, amphibian, abiotic, insect, and unknown. Zero-filling functionality is available to ensure all surveys are retained in the dataset if no observations of the group of interest are available.


wt_tidy_species(data, remove = "", zerofill = TRUE)



WildTrax main report or tag report from the wt_download_report() function.


Character; groups to filter from the report ("mammal", "bird", "amphibian", "abiotic", "insect", "human", "unknown"). Defaults to retaining bird group only.


Logical; indicates if zerofilling should be completed. If TRUE, unique surveys with no observations after filtering are added to the dataset with "NONE" as the value for species_code and/or species_common_name. If FALSE, only surveys with observations of the retained groups are returned. Default is TRUE.


A dataframe identical to input with observations of the specified groups removed.


if (FALSE) {
dat.tidy <- wt_tidy_species(dat, remove=c("mammal", "unknown"), zerofill = T)